O ynfydrwydd! O ffolineb!

1,2,3,4;  1,3.
(Gwagedd y byd)
O ynfydrwydd! O ffolineb!
  I mi erioed i roddi mryd,
Ar un tegan, ar un pleser,
  Welais i etto yn y byd;
Y mae'r byd yn myned heibio,
  A'i deganau o bob rhyw,
Tan y nef ni thâl ei garu,
  Wrthddrych arall ond fy Nuw.

O derchafa'm henaid egwan,
  Y mae bellach yn hwyrhaû;
Hir yw'r amser i och'neidio,
  Gwna fi o'r diwedd lawenhau:
Moroedd mawr a bryniau lawer,
  Pellder annyoddefol sŷ;
Ac anialwch maith digymhar,
  Rhyngof a'm Hanwylyd cu.

Dysgwyl pethau gwych i ddyfod,
  Croes i hyny maent yn dôd; 
Meddwl forŷ daw gorfoledd,
  Forŷ'r tristwch mwya' erioed;
Meddwl byw ac etto marw,
  Yw'r lleferydd dàn fy mron,
Bob yn ronyn mi rof ffarwel,
  Ffarwel glân i'r ddaear hon.

Tragwyddoldeb mawr yw d'enw,
  Ti mae'n debyg yw fy lle,
Huriwr un diwrnod ydwyf,
  Frŷ mae'm cartref yn y ne';
Mae'm diwrnod bron a gorphen,
  Mae fy haul bron myn'd i lawr,
Mae pob awel yn fy chwythu,
  Tu a'r tragwyddoldeb mawr.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 8787D]

  Cofia f'enaid cyn it' dreulio
  Dyma'r byd y mae taranau
  Dysgwyl pethau gwych i ddyfod
  Mae'r anialwch wedi mlino
  O derchafa'm henaid egwan
  O Iachawdwr pechaduriaid

(The emptiness of the world)
Oh madness!  Oh folly!
  For me ever to place my attention,
On one trinket, on one pleasure,
  I ever yet saw in the world;
The world is passing,
  And its trinkets of every kind,
Under heaven there is not worth loving
  Any other object but my God.

Oh lift up my weak soul,
  It is now getting late;
Long is the time for groaning,
  Make me at last rejoice:
Great seas and many hills,
  An insufferable distance are;
And a vast incomparable desert,
  Between me and my dear Beloved.

Expecting wonderful things to come,
  Contrary to this they are coming;
Thinking tomorrow will come jubilation,
  The morrow of the most sadness ever;
Thinking living and yet dying,
  Is the speech under my breast,
Bit by bit I am saying farewell,
  A complete farewell to this earth.

A great eternity is thy name,
  Thou, it is hoped, art my place,
A hireling of one day am I,
  Above is my home in heaven;
The day is almost finished,
  The sun has almost gone down,
Every breeze is blowing me,
  Towards the great eternity.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion
O the weakness, O the folly,
  That my heart did e'er entwine
Round a joy, or hope, or promise,
  Vain, unstable World, of thine!
Thou with all thy proffered treasure
  Shalt ere long from me remove:-
Turn, fond heart, with holy rapture,
  Unto God thy trust and love.

Joseph Morris
Favourite Welsh Hymns 1854

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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